1. Sexual Assault
Intentional sexual contact characterized by the use of force, threats, intimidation, abuse of authority, or when the victim does not or cannot consent. As used in the DoD Instruction 6495.02, Volume 1, “Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program Procedures,” March 28, 2013, as amended, Incorporating Change 8, July 26, 2024, the term includes a broad category of sexual offenses consisting of the following specific UCMJ offenses: rape, sexual assault, aggravated sexual contact, abusive sexual contact, forcible sodomy (forced oral or anal sex), or attempts to commit these offenses.
2. Sexual Assault Response Coordinator
The SARCs shall serve as the single point of contact at an installation or command, or within a geographic area. The SARCs oversee sexual assault awareness, prevention, response training, coordinates medical treatment and emergency care for victims of sexual assault, and tracks the services provided to a victim from the initial report through final disposition and resolution. Additional policy and guidance are provided in the DoD Instruction 6495.02, Volume 1, “Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program Procedures,” March 28, 2013, as amended, Incorporating Change 8, July 26, 2024. To contact your SARC, click here. *Please use the link below:
3. Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Victim Advocate
The SAPR VA shall provide coordination and encourage victim service referrals and ongoing, nonclinical support to the victim of a reported sexual assault and facilitate care in accordance with the Sexual Assault Response Protocols prescribed SAPR Policy Toolkit located on Assist the victim in navigating those processes required to obtain care and services needed. Provide a response consistent with requirements for the SARC response in the DoD Instruction 6495.02, Volume 1, “Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program Procedures,” March 28, 2013, as amended, Incorporating Change 8, July 26, 2024: (a) Support will include providing information on available options and resources so the victim can make informed decisions about his or her case. (b) The SAPR VA will be directly accountable to the SARC in adult sexual assault cases (not under the FAP jurisdiction) and shall provide victim advocacy for adult victims of sexual assault.
4. Restricted Reporting
Reporting option that does NOT trigger an investigation. The command is notified of the sexual assault report, but is not given the victim’s name or other personally identifying information. Restricted Reporting allows adult sexual assault victims to confidentially disclose the assault to specified individuals (i.e., SARC, SAPR VA, or healthcare personnel), be offered healthcare (medical and mental health) and the assignment of a SARC and SAPR VA. A sexual assault victim can report directly to a SARC, who will respond or direct a SAPR VA to respond and explain the contents of the DD Form 2910 to the victim, including availability of healthcare treatment, if eligible, and other resources. The Restricted Reporting option is only available to Service members and their military dependents 18 years of age and older, and DoD civilian employees whose organization has established a SAPR Program. Additional persons who may be entitled to Restricted Reporting are NG and Reserve members. Restricted Reporting may not be available in a jurisdiction that requires mandatory reporting if a victim first reports to a civilian facility or civilian authority. However, section 536 of Public Law 114-92, “National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016,” November 25, 2015, preempts mandatory reporting laws when a victim reports the sexual assault to a SARC, SAPR VA, or healthcare personnel on the military installation, except where disclosure of personally identifiable information is necessary to prevent an imminent threat to the health or safety of an individual. A victim may convert a Restricted Report to an Unrestricted Report at any time. The conversion to an Unrestricted Report will be documented with a signature by the victim and the signature of the SARC or SAPR VA in the appropriate block on the DD Form 2910. Expanded Eligibility to File Restricted Reports: Victims covered by the DoD Instruction 6495.02, Volume 1, “Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program Procedures,” March 28, 2013, as amended, Incorporating Change 8, July 26, 2024, are eligible to file a Restricted Report, providing they did not personally report the sexual assault incident to law enforcement (including MCIOs) unless the Law Enforcement Sexual Assault Victim Disclosure Exception in DoDI 5505.18, “Investigation of Adult Sexual Assault in the Department of Defense,” March 22, 2017, as amended, Incorporating Change 5, July 26, 2024 applies; and they did not previously file an Unrestricted Report with a signed DD Form 2910 for the same incident. Victims covered by this Instruction are eligible to file Restricted Reports even if: a. The sexual assault has been inadvertently or previously disclosed to command by the victim, suspect, or third party; b. The matter has been reported to law enforcement, to include MCIOs, by anyone OTHER THAN the victim; or c. An investigation is initiated, in progress, or closed.
5. Unrestricted Reporting
Reporting option that triggers an investigation, command (or civilian equivalent), and OSTC notification, and allows a person who has been sexually assaulted to access healthcare (medical and mental health) treatment, and the assignment of a SARC and a SAPR VA. A victim may not change their Unrestricted Report to a Restricted Report. When a sexual assault is reported through Unrestricted Reporting, a SARC shall be notified, respond or direct a SAPR VA to respond, offer the victim healthcare treatment and a SAFE, and inform the victim of available resources. The SARC or SAPR VA will explain the contents of the DD Form 2910 (for Service members, Reserve Component, and adult military dependents of 18 years of age and older) and request that the victim elect a reporting option on the form. If the Unrestricted option is elected, the completed DD Form 2701, which sets out victims’ rights and points of contact, shall be distributed to the victim in Unrestricted Reporting cases. Additional policy and guidance are provided in the DoD Instruction 6495.02, Volume 1, “Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program Procedures,” March 28, 2013, as amended, Incorporating Change 8, July 26, 2024.
6. Victims’ Legal Counsel
The Marine Corps Victims' Legal Counsel Organization is fully committed to provide legal advice, counseling, and representation to victims of sexual assault and other crimes, and to protect victims' rights at all stages of the military justice process. For contact information regarding Victims' Legal Counsel Organization, please click here. *Please use this link:
7. Catch a Serial Offender (CATCH) Program
The Catch a Serial Offender (CATCH) Program is voluntary and allows an eligible adult sexual assault victim to submit an anonymous entry into the CATCH database to discover if the suspect in their report may have also assaulted another person (i.e., a “potential match” in the CATCH website). The CATCH Program is implemented through procedures set forth in the DoDI 5505.18 “Investigation of Adult Sexual Assault in the Department of Defense,” March 22, 2017, as amended, Incorporating Change 5, July 26, 2024, and the procedures in the USD(P&R) CATCH Memo. To access the CATCH website, please click here. Please use this link: (1) Eligible adult sexual assault victims in accordance with the DoD Instruction 6495.02, Volume 1, “Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program Procedures,” March 28, 2013, as amended, Incorporating Change 8, July 26, 2024 include those: (a) Who file, or have already filed, a Restricted Report with a DD Form 2910. A Restricted Report will not be converted to an Unrestricted Report based on the information provided by the victim to the CATCH Program without the victim’s written permission on a revised DD Form 2910. (b) Who file, or have already filed, an Unrestricted Report with a DD Form 2910 and the identity of their suspect was not disclosed by the victim or uncovered by law enforcement, to include MCIOs (e.g., third-party report with no suspect identification). (c) Who do not want to or are not ready to file an official report of sexual assault (through a DD Form 2910 or to law enforcement), but DO want to submit an entry in the CATCH System. Eligible victims will be able to submit a SAPR-related inquiry (SRI) CATCH Entry through a SARC or SAPR VA with a DD Form 2910-4, “Catch A Serial Offender (CATCH) Program Explanation and Notification Form for SAPR Related Inquiry (SRI) CATCH Entries”. If notified of a potential match, the SRI CATCH Entry victim can decide whether to file an Unrestricted Report and/or participate in the MCIO investigation.