
SAPR - Restricted Reporting
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Restricted reporting

Reporting option that allows sexual assault victims to confidentially disclose the assault to specified individuals (i.e., SARC, SAPR VA, or healthcare personnel), and receive medical treatment, including emergency care, counseling, and assignment of a SARC and SAPR VA, without triggering an investigation.  The victim’s report provided to healthcare personnel (including the information acquired from a SAFE Kit), SARCs, or SAPR Vas will NOT be reported to law enforcement or to the command to initiate the official investigative process unless the victim consents or an established EXCEPTION applies in accordance with the DoD Instruction 6495.02, Volume 1, “Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program Procedures,” March 28, 2013, as amended, Incorporating Change 7, September 6, 2022.  The Restricted Reporting Program applies to Service members and their military dependents 18 years of age and older.  Additional persons who may be entitled to Restricted Reporting are NG and Reserve members.  DoD civilians and contractors, at this time, are only eligible to file an Unrestricted Report.  Only a SARC, SAPR VA, or healthcare personnel may receive a Restricted Report, previously referred to as Confidential Reporting.

Expanded Eligibility to File Restricted Reports:

Victims covered by the DoD Instruction 6495.02, Volume 1, “Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program Procedures,” March 28, 2013, as amended, Incorporating Change 7, September 6, 2022 are eligible to file a Restricted Report, providing they did not personally report the sexual assault incident to law enforcement (including MCIOs); and they did not previously elect to make an Unrestricted Report with a SARC or SAPR VA by signing a DD Form 2910 on the same sexual assault incident.  Victims covered by this Instruction are eligible to file Restricted Reports even if:

  1. They disclosed the sexual assault incident to their commander or to personnel in the chain of command;
  2. There is an ongoing MCIO investigation into the sexual assault incident initiated by a third party and not due to the victim’s disclosure to law enforcement; or
  3. The MCIO investigation into the sexual assault incident has been closed.

contact us

MCINCR-MCBQ Sexual Assault Prevention &
Response Office (SAPRO)

715-A Broadway Street
Marine Corps Association Annex, 3rd Floor
Quantico, VA 22134

Office Hours: 0800-1630
Office Number: (703) 784-3557

Marine Corps Base Quantico