
NEPA - National Environmental Policy Act
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National Environmental Policy Act

The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) establishes a national environmental policy to promote wise use and planning for protection of natural resources. NEPA applies only to actions of Federal Agencies. Government (Federal) decision-makers must factor environmental matters into their decisions utilizing a systematic inter-disciplinary approach. NEPA triggers the consideration of other environmental compliance laws, such as the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) and the Endangered Species Act (ESA).


The NEPA section’s area of responsibility and oversight includes all of Marine Corps Base Quantico.  The NEPA section receives project review requests from organizations and commands on Mainside Quantico, which is east of I-95, and Guadalcanal, which is the area west of I-95. The NEPA process must be considered when the project occurs on Federal property, is funded with Federal money, and/or is sponsored by a Federal entity. NEPA documentation occurs through a Request of Environmental Impact Review (REIR).   An REIR form is submitted to the NEPA Section for review through a web-based CAC-enabled system. NREA Branch subject matter experts in all media areas review the project to determine the potential for significant impacts.

Compliance with NEPA

To ensure that proposed projects stay on schedule, the NEPA process should be initiated as soon as possible. Project proponents shall provide all plans/proposals to the NEPA section at the beginning of the planning process. As soon as all the required information is received, NEPA documentation can be fully prepared, reviewed, and approved. Construction/excavation/demolition/etc. activities shall NOT proceed until NEPA documentation is complete.

MCINCR-MCBQO 5090.1C - Environmental Impact Review Board

The Environmental Impact Review Board convenes annually. The role of the EIRB is to advise and assist the Commander, MCINCR and the Commanding General Marine Corps Installation Command in implementing MCO 5090.2 Environmental Compliance and Protection Program to conserve and manage natural and cultural resources, protect the quality of the human environment, and the processing of NEPA review documentation for proposed command actions. To download a copy of MCINCR-MCBQO 5090.1C Environmental Impact Review Board: Click Here

Marine Corps Base Quantico