unrestricted reporting
Reporting option that triggers an investigation, command notification, and allows a person who has been sexually assaulted to access healthcare treatment and the assignment of a SARC and a SAPR VA. When a sexual assault is reported through Unrestricted Reporting, a SARC shall be notified, respond or direct a SAPR VA to respond, offer the victim healthcare treatment and a SAFE, and inform the victim of available resources. The SARC or SAPR VA will explain the contents of the DD Form 2910 and request that the victim elect a reporting option on the form. If the victim elects the Unrestricted Reporting option, a victim may not change from an Unrestricted to a Restricted Report. If the Unrestricted option is elected, the completed DD Form 2701, which sets out victims’ rights and points of contact, shall be distributed to the victim in Unrestricted Reporting cases by DoD law enforcement agents. If a victim elects this reporting option, a victim may not change from an Unrestricted to a Restricted Report. Additional policy and guidance are provided in the DoD Instruction 6495.02, Volume 1, “Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program Procedures,” March 28, 2013, as amended, Incorporating Change 7, September 6, 2022.