
G-3 Installation Protection

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Official U.S. Marine Corps Website
Crossroads of the Marine Corps



Provide oversight, direction, and coordination of installation protection programs to enhance operational readiness and to protect life and property aboard MCINCR-MCBQ.  Execute a comprehensive, integrated, all-threats/all-hazards risk management process to minimize risk to critical assets, allow for risk-informed allocation of resources, and support tenant command mission execution.


Installation Protection Branch Programs:

-              Antiterrorism

-              Emergency Management

-              Critical Infrastructure Protection

-              Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, High-Yield Explosive

-              Threat Analysis and Dissemination

-              Contingency Plans

-              Continuity of Operations

-              Base Support Installation

-              Operations Security

-              Violence Prevention Program


Though assigned to Security Battalion, these programs are part of installation protection and require continuous coordination between the IPB and SecBn staffs:

*             Law Enforcement

*             Fire and Emergency Services

*             Physical Security

*             Fire and Emergency Services

contact us

Report any suspicious activity to (703) 432-EYES (3937).

Director:                                             432-0765
Emergency Manager:                        784-6693
Threat Analysis and Dissemination:  432-6475
Critical Infrastructure Protection:       432-0551
CBRNE:                                             784-3058
Antiterrorism/OPSEC:                        432-0763

Active Shooter Presentation


important links

Level 1 Anti-terrorism Training (Search for "Joint Anti-Terrorism Level 1  - JATLV10000" to take course")

Alternate Antiterrorism level 1 Training

Eagle Eyes online reporting

Quantico Mass Notification registration


Marine Corps Base Quantico