

Base Logo
Official U.S. Marine Corps Website
Crossroads of the Marine Corps

Marine Corps Base Quantico (MCBQ) and Training Command (OCS; TBS) are capable of facilitating group visitations and reunion tours alike.

Military Groups
Recognized military such as Unit Reunions, JROTC and Staff Delegation may schedule a visit and/or tour of Marine Corps Base Quantico, Officer Candidate School and The Basic School.

  • Group visits/tours are Monday - Friday at the command’s discretion and are secondary to military training.

  • Groups should be no fewer than 15 people.

  • No more than three Privately Owned Vehicles (POVs) are permitted on base tours.

  • Food Services and access to the Mess Halls are available and must be authorized prior to visit.

  • The use of Marine Corps buses is NOT authorized. Commercial buses must be contracted by the visiting group and the bus driver must submit for Base Access through DBIDS.

  • All visitors must comply with installation access requirements.

Non-Military Groups
Non-DoD or non-military groups are recommended to visit the National Museum of the Marine Corps. Visits to the National Museum of the Marine Corps can be scheduled by contacting 703-784-6107 or visit their website here.

Individual Tours
Individual tours/visits are NOT to be conducted.

Base Access
Base access information can be found by visiting this LINK. Individual visitors need to call their sponsor or the Command they are going to visit for specific details and directions.

Points of Contact:

JROTC Visits & Reunion Group Visits

For JROTC visit coordination, call Paul Jornet, TECOM JROTC, 703-784-0417

For reunion group visit coordination, call TRNGCMD G-3 at 703-432-2214/1737

Staff Delegation/DV Visits
Command Event Coordinator, 703-784-2860

MCBQ Lodging
(For authorized visitors only)
Visit MCCS Quantico

Food Services
Visit G-4 Food Services 

Quantico Marine Corps Band Support
Visit G-3 Quantico Band

Ceremonial Platoon Support
Call 703-784-2814

Marine Corps Base Quantico