






  Lean Six Sigma Course feedback form

 Marine Corps Base Quantico G-7
 Performance and Innovation

The information you provide below will help us:

  1. Identify what we can do to improve our training
  2. Let us know the strengths and weaknesses of our instructors

Form Instructions:

  1. Use Internet Explorer Edge or Google Chrome to load form page
  2. Fill in your information
  3. Click the Submit Button at the bottom of the form

 All information required is marked with an *


Please evaluate the course based on your level of agreement with each statement below:











***The following questions are for in class instruction only***

Please evaluate each instructor based on your level of agreement with each statement below:

  • Business Performance

    CPI & Lean Six SigmaKnowledge Management

  • External Affairs

    Non-Federal EntitiesRegional PartnershipsOutreach & Engagement

  • Business Programs

    Support AggrementsICE Account Management 

Marine Corps Base Quantico