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Brig. Gen. Pratt, president of Marine Corps University, receives a gift from Maj. Natasha Everly recently at the National Naval Officers Association Annual Ladies Luncheon held at The Clubs at Quantico. Pratt was the guest speaker for the event where she talked about empowerment through education. The annual event also serves as a fundraiser for the NOAA scholarship program.

Photo by Cpl. Kemerly Espinos

NNOA Luncheon

14 Apr 2016 | Quantico Sentry Marine Corps Base Quantico

Brig. Gen. Pratt, president of Marine Corps University, receives a gift from Maj. Natasha Everly recently at the National Naval Officers Association Annual Ladies Luncheon held at The Clubs at Quantico. Pratt was the guest speaker for the event where she talked about empowerment through education. The annual event also serves as a fundraiser for the NOAA scholarship program.
Marine Corps Base Quantico