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Col. David Maxwell, commander of Marine Corps Base Quantico, addresses the crowd at Quantico National Cemetery's Veterans Day ceremony Nov. 11.

Photo by Aleks Dolzenko

Veterans Day and Marine Corps Birthday guidance and safety message

4 Nov 2014 | Col. David W. Maxwell Marine Corps Base Quantico

On Tuesday, many in this country will celebrate Veterans Day. In November 1919, President Wilson proclaimed Nov. 11 as the first commemoration of Armistice Day to celebrate "the war to end all wars."

President Eisenhower broadened its meaning in 1954 when he officially renamed it Veterans Day to recognize all America's veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good.

Throughout this month Marines from the past and present, their family members and civilians will also observe our Marine Corps Birthday where many will gather to consider the legacy of 239 years of service to our nation and celebrate our proud traditions. The Birthday Ball is an opportunity to reflect on this storied history in the company of fellow Marines of all ages.

Whatever your plans may be for the holiday weekend, safety must be at the forefront. Most accidental deaths and injuries in the Marine Corps involve privately owned vehicles, alcohol or a combination of both.

I expect all commanders, directors, and commissioned and noncommissioned officers and first-line supervisors to conduct thorough pre-holiday safety briefings with their personnel prior to the holiday weekend. People are our most valued resource. I hope everyone is able to relax and return from the

holiday weekend revived and without incident.

Have a great weekend; enjoy the camaraderie, and Happy Birthday Marines.


Marine Corps Base Quantico