
Training Support Section (TSS)

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Training Support Section

The Training Support Section (TSS), G-6 Communications, provides professional audio-visual support to Marine Corps Base Quantico, its tenant commands and organizations throughout the National Capital Region, for ceremonies and events that include but are not limited to conferences, changes of command, public events, retirements and support for official requirements. Our staff provides the audiovisual support services for training events at Little Hall. TSS also maintains a small inventory of audiovisual equipment that can be signed out by units for official functions. Unit representatives must submit a formal request and coordinate time during normal working hours to sign out and return equipment.  


Sound Section
•    Conduct site survey to determine appropriate equipment required to support an event.
•    Provide an audio visual technician to setup and operate equipment.

Little Hall
•    Scheduling and reserving Little Hall is only handled through MCCS. or Call 703-784-5624. 
•    TSS will work with your event POC for any audio visual requirements. 
•    TSS will provide an audio visual technician to setup and operate AV equipment.

Equipment available for temp loan: 
•    Projectors
•    Projector Screens
•    Speaker Systems
•    Microphones 
•    CD players 
•    DVD Players 
•    Podiums

Submit a TSS Request

TSS Production requests for Marine Corps Base and Tenant Activities are submitted through phone requests only.


To submit a Training Support Section (TSS) request, call (703) 784-3398 or (703) 784-2703


Contact us

Section Head: Mr. David McDaniel 
A/V Technician: Mr. Charley Galarza
A/V Technician & Little Hall Coverage: Mr. Phoukhone "PK" Douangdara 

Training Support Section (TSS)
G-6 Communications
Building 2043 Zeilin Road
Quantico, VA 22134

Hours of Operation
Mon - Fri: 0800 - 1630 (Closed 1130 - 1300 for lunch)

Marine Corps Base Quantico