1st Lt. Bill Lining, fire team leader, practices squad movements during a field exercise at Range 5 aboard Marine Corps Base Quantico on March 21, 2014. The Basic School Marines will conduct four field exercises before graduating the six-month course. - 1st Lt. Bill Lining, fire team leader, practices squad movements during a field exercise at Range 5 aboard Marine Corps Base Quantico on March 21, 2014. The Basic School Marines will conduct four field exercises before graduating the six-month course.
2nd Lt. Camron York, The Basic School student, sits in a model humvee while Marines from the 6th Platoon, Bravo Co., TBS, learn about an exercise in the Virtual Combat Convoy Trainer on May 21, 2013. The VCCT is part of the TBS students’ introduction to convoy operations - 2nd Lt. Camron York, The Basic School student, sits in a model humvee while Marines from the 6th Platoon, Bravo Co., TBS, learn about an exercise in the Virtual Combat Convoy Trainer on May 21, 2013. The VCCT is part of the TBS students’ introduction to convoy operations