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Clarity, transparency and charity

27 Feb 2015 | Navy Lt. Loren Crone Marine Corps Base Quantico

"For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known." 1 Cor. 13:12

A mirror in Paul’s time was polished metal, not glass ones like we look into today. A few old barracks probably still use the polished metal. The passage above suggests that we look into a hazy mirror with respect to love/charity. This lack of sight gives us trouble seeing and perceiving. Paul likens this experience to thinking like a child versus thinking like an adult. Children hardly understand concepts like sacrificial love. Even as an adult, I often feel like I cannot understand God’s love any more than I could understand my parent’s love for me as their child. The passage reminds us that despite our ability to see, God sees perfectly. What a beautiful idea — I am fully known and will fully know the essence of God. While that might scare some of us to think God knows us fully, it should comfort us to know that God knows us, and yet, he loves us unconditionally and immeasurably.

Paul suggests this lack of love visibility on our part is not good. Cloudy vision of any sort is dangerous and disappointing. When fog covers the roads, accidents happen. When clouds obscure a breathtaking view, sadness manifests. When you cannot see God’s love clearly, you find yourself in risky and wanting situations.

There are all types of reasons for our inability to see transparently. Sin comes to mind. Sin clouds our ability to see what is lovable in God and in the world when God and the world do not meet our expectations.

The context of the passage is not just about fully knowing God, but fully experiencing love/charity. Sin keeps us from realizing the most powerful force that exists. Imagine the world we could live in, if every man and woman could understand love perfectly. Less marital strife, less crime and less stress, but even greater than less is the idea that we could have more fulfilling lives. The lack of clear vision is no excuse; we do not need perfect clarity here on Earth.

Our ability to see clearly will only come when we are completed, in other words, when we get to heaven. On Earth however, God is using our experiences to develop our sight to be more like his. Paul does tell us that we do "know in part." That part we do know should lead us to a life of charity and love towards our fellow man. Human dignity is the "part," I believe, we all see clearly. Life has equal worth in all its diversities.

One day we will bask in the fullness of his glory, but if we want to attempt to see that here on Earth, we must begin by loving the unlovable, in other words, love others when you can’t see a reason to do so. "We know in part" because he has clearly shown us in full. 1 John 4:19 says, "We love because he first loved us."

Go forth and be charitable to your family, your church, your community and your humanity as God has done to you.

Marine Corps Base Quantico