Photo Information Each mosquito trap has the potential to attract various species of mosquitoes. Each species can carry a different virus. Photo by file photo Download Details Share Mosquito season is here; be prepared 2 Jun 2016 | Naval Health Clinic Quantico Marine Corps Base Quantico PRINT SHARE Marine Corps Base Quantico -- When temperatures reach a consistent 50 degrees, mosquito eggs begin hatching and mosquito season begins. Every year from June through October, the Preventive Medicine Department aboard Marine Corps Base Quantico conducts surveillance by trapping and identification of adult mosquitoes as part of routine surveillance for West Nile Virus. Traps are set up in several locations throughout the MCB Quantico community. Surveillance is one of the key components of the Disease Carrying Insects Division. Collecting mosquitoes helps the Preventive Medicine Department monitor for West Nile virus and other potential mosquito-borne diseases such as Zika Virus, Malaria, Dengue Fever, Chikungunya and others. Mosquito traps are clearly labeled to let people know what these devices are. The Preventive Medicine Department staff set out and collect the traps and collect mosquitoes regularly. One trap is usually set up at each location and they will be in various locations throughout Quantico. Some traps are about the size of an office trash can and are set on the ground; others are hung from a tree and are about five feet long. You can prevent mosquito bites in several ways: Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants; stay in places with air conditioning and window and door screens to keep mosquitoes outside; use Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-registered insect repellents; and remove or stay away from mosquito breeding sites, like containers with standing water. For more information call the Preventive Medicine Department at 703-784-1680/1683/1685. Tags Marine Corps Base Quantico , Preventive Medicine Department , mosquito control , infectious disease control , west nile virus , Zika virus , Dengue Fever , Malaria