Marine Corps Base Quantico -- On April 1 Headquarters Marine Corps released a MARADMIN directing all service members to be cautious with their social media account settings and the information they post online.
The move stems from the recent publication by ISIS of the names, photographs and personal contact information for 100 service members. The terrorist group called on local “lone wolf” terrorists to act on their own and kill the listed service members.
The Department of Defense has determined that the information ISIS gathered was publicly available through the service members’ Facebook and other social media accounts and not a result of hacking.
Marine Corps Base Quantico antiterrorism officer Orvel Ronk said they do this by watching people’s accounts over time. A Marine might post a picture of himself in uniform one day, a month later mention Quantico and then post other information that allows an observant individual to create a detailed description of the individual and where he lives and works.
The MARADMIN directs commanders to educate their Marines, civilian employees and unit family members about the importance of reviewing their social media presence and behavior, as well as on personal and operational security.
The message states: “Marines shall not post classified, controlled unclassified information, or sensitive information (for example, tactics, troop movements, force size, weapon system details, etc). Marines should be extremely mindful when disclosing personal details on the internet, and should not release [personally identifiable information]. Examples of PII include a Marine’s home address, birthday, birth place, etc.”
Ronk said that posting pictures of oneself in uniform, while not prohibited, does put information out in the public sphere that makes an individual more vulnerable to those who seek to harm service members. The MarineNet course titled Uncle Sam’s OpSec is designed to educate people about digital, online and telephonic operational security, said Ronk, and there is a Quantico-specific version of the course.
Quantico’s Mission Assurance Branch hosts a quarterly operational security meeting that is attended by unit operational security representatives, family readiness program staff, Marine Corps Combat Development Command and Marine Corps Intelligence Activity representatives, and the base G-3 and G-6 officers. Ronk said that other interested unit representatives are welcome to attend.
More guidance on social media participation for Marines can be found online at
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