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Michael Moore, the Single Marine Program’s new coordinator aboard Marine Corps Base Quantico, stands outside the SMP house June 2, 2014. Moore, a Marine veteran with close ties to Quantico’s military community, hopes to revitalize the SMP program and increase participation.

Photo by Ameesha Felton

Veteran, beloved Marine leader takes over SMP

10 Jul 2014 | Ameesha Felton Marine Corps Base Quantico

The Single Marine Program’s new coordinator aims to reenergize participation, modernize the facility and the connect with Marines on a personal level.

To most Marines aboard Marine Corps Base Quantico, Michael Moore is known as sergeant major, as he is the former sergeant major of Headquarters and Services Battalion. However, as SMP coordinator, Moore wants Marines to see him in a new light, as a confidant and just "Mike."

Moore, 48, retired from the Marine Corps June 30, but began his new role two weeks prior. With years of mentoring Marines under his belt and experience working alongside counseling services while serving in H&SBn., Moore said he discovered a "gift" that made this job a natural progression.

"I realized that, throughout my time as a staff noncommissioned officer, I had a [knack] for talking to folks about changing and convincing them to actually make those changes," Moore said. "With this position, I thought, maybe I can make a difference again with Marines."

In spite of being known as a senior-level Marine, Moore said his new role won’t be difficult for Marines to adapt to.

"I was always able to get on their level — it was easy for me because I think I’m a lance corporal at heart," Moore said with a chuckle.

"Also, as a recruiter, a fellow staff sergeant once told me, ‘you have to get down to their level and bring them up’ and that always stuck with me," he said.

Moore wants Marines to see him as someone who is there to help identify quality of life ideas and issues and recommend solutions.

One challenge that is at the top of his agenda is improving the facility. Moore has plans to give the SMP house a face lift. Right now, construction on an outdoor deck has begun and plans to replace the entryway and revamp the house are up next.

"We need to make it appealing so that Marines want to come here," Moore said. "In the Marine Corps, people come from all over [to bases like Quantico] and many of them get home-sick. Since that [factor] is a constant, we need to create things to mitigate it."

Additionally, Moore hopes to bolster volunteerism.

"We need to expand our volunteer program," Moore said. "There are great opportunities for us to get Marines involved in the things that are beneficial to the base and community."

With big plans on the horizon, Moore assures he’s here for the long haul. The ultimate goal is to have a program that Marines gravitate to, because of its relevance, authenticity, resources and home-like experience, he said.

— Writer:

Marine Corps Base Quantico