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Per MARADMIN 667/13, the Marine Corps is administering the FY15 Enlisted Retention Survey to enlisted Marines with less than 15 years of service and an EAS between Oct. 1, 2014, to Sept. 1, 2015. The purpose of this survey is to give Marines the opportunity to communicate to senior leaders what factors and incentives have the greatest influence on their decision to either remain in the Corps or to leave active service. This survey also affords Marines the opportunity to express how satisfied or dissatisfied they are with certain aspects of the Marine Corps and the military way of life. The survey was scheduled to end Feb. 28, but to obtain a better response rate, the survey has been extended for two weeks to March 14. Eligible Marines please go to to provide your valuable feedback. If you have any questions, please contact the Integration & Analysis Section (HQMC MPP-50) at commercial phone number (703) 784-9367, or at email address

Photo by J. Elise Van Pool

MCBQ Bike and Pedestrian Mobility Survey

28 May 2014 | MCB Quantico Public Affairs Office Marine Corps Base Quantico

The MCBQ Bike and Pedestrian Mobility Survey will be active from May 28, 2014, through June 25, 2014 at

All who use the roadways/paths to run/bike or who would like to are encouraged to complete the survey in that time frame.
Marine Corps Base Quantico