MARINE CORPS BASE QUANTICO, Va. -- A smile passed between Lance Cpl. Frankie Cochran, administrative specialist, and Lance Cpl. Sarah Craig, legal specialist, as they caught each other’s eye during a duet of “Hell On Hells,” by the Pistol Annies, at the Clubs at Quantico on March 5, 2014.
The junior Marines were participating in the first karaoke event that, due to the work of Sgt. Maj. Mark Byrd, Marine Corps Base Quantico’s sergeant major, and the staff of Marine Corps Community Services, will take place every Wednesday evening.
“What I’m trying to do as the new base sergeant major is to put together advisory groups from all different ranks to find out some of the things Marines want to do at their club,” said Byrd.
“If karaoke is something that’s going to draw more people here and the Marines are having a good time with it, then I’m all about it.”
Gary Munyan, food and hospitality director for Marine Corps Community Services, also commented on the planning for and intent of the new attraction.
“We have been planning this with the base sergeant major for about three months,” said Munyan. “I think karaoke is an interactive form of entertainment. Everybody has a favorite song, or a favorite tune. We have a lot of songs that people can join in, [so] everybody can come in and enjoy themselves.”
According to Munyan, anyone on base is invited to show up and pick from among the hundreds of available songs during the weekly event, scheduled to start about 4:30 p.m. on Wednesdays.
“It will give people a chance to relax and let their hair down and sing a little bit,” said Munyan. “All you have to have is the willingness to get up and have a good time.”
Byrd said that there are other benefits to participating in events like karaoke.
“This is just another one of those opportunities where you come together and get to know people,” said Byrd. “And, I think that helps us with camaraderie.”
According to Cochran and Craig, that mission may be well on the way to being met.
“I had fun,” said Cochran. “It’s an adrenaline rush.”