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Marines who particpated in the pugil sticks event, did so in honor of Lt. Weeden Osborne. Osborne was appointed a dental surgeon before being assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment. He was decorated posthumously with the Medal of Honor after his unit participated in an advance during the Battle of Belleau Wood. He was killed while carring an injured officer to safety on June 6, 1918.

Photo by Jeremy Beale

Marines from the Fightin’ 2/6 celebrate their brothers and sisters at Spartan Games

19 Jul 2017 | Jeremy Beale/Staff Writer Marine Corps Base Quantico

The 2nd Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment came to Marine Corps Base Quantico recently to celebrate their 100th anniversary at the base where the unit was born.  In addition to participating in Professional Military Education training to learn about the history of the 2/6, they traveled to Camp Upshur aboard Marine Corps Base Quantico to partake in their annual Spartan Games.  The 2/6 competes in the games in honor of Cpl. Albert Gettings, a team leader for Company F, 2nd Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment, who sacrificed his life in the line of duty.   Lt. Col.  Marcus Mainz, commanding officer of the 2/6, told of Gettings’ heroism and the importance of a tribe coming together to celebrate Marines past, present and future.

Gettings posthumously received a Bronze Star for sacrificing his life in Operation Iraqi Freedom, where he returned fire against insurgents in protection of his company. Every year a Marine is selected to receive the Gettings Award for outstanding service and going beyond the call of duty.

“Today we celebrate coming back to where we were born, where it all started and come together unified as one tribe, one unit, one people and one family,” Mainz said. “These games are a moment of reflection of the Marines past, present and future and a means of celebration for more than 100 years of history.”

The Marines who participated in the Spartan Games competed between subordinate units in various events such as an obstacle course, frag assault course, Combat Fitness Test, people sticks and a tactical hand-to-hand combat game.

Each event was dedicated to a Medal of Honor recipient from the 2nd Battalion, 6th Regiment during World War I.

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Marine Corps Base Quantico