Cpl. Michael Ramirez hands a box down to Cpl. Angelo Powers in the Security Battalion warehouse. The Certified Logistics Technician pilot program aims to help supply Marines like Ramirez and Powers, as well as other logistics Marines, get civilian certification through the Manufacturing Skills Standard Council. - Cpl. Michael Ramirez hands a box down to Cpl. Angelo Powers in the Security Battalion warehouse. The Certified Logistics Technician pilot program aims to help supply Marines like Ramirez and Powers, as well as other logistics Marines, get civilian certification through the Manufacturing Skills Standard Council.
MARINE CORPS BASE QUANTICO, Va. (Jan. 11) – Sgt. Luis Sevila, a warehouse cleck for supply platoon, The Basic School, unwraps a pack of cammo-netting to inspect for serviceability. Behind the scenes, Supply platoon is responsible for tracking the beans, bullets and Band-aids for all of The Basic School. - MARINE CORPS BASE QUANTICO, Va. (Jan. 11) – Sgt. Luis Sevila, a warehouse cleck for supply platoon, The Basic School, unwraps a pack of cammo-netting to inspect for serviceability. Behind the scenes, Supply platoon is responsible for tracking the beans, bullets and Band-aids for all of The Basic School.