Sodexo worker Joseph Bandy passes a spaghetti dinner to 2nd Lt. George Stinton of the Royal Marines at the fusion station that’s a new feature of The Basic School’s chow hall that opened July 15, 2013, in Lopez Hall, replacing the old chow hall in O’Bannon Hall. - Sodexo worker Joseph Bandy passes a spaghetti dinner to 2nd Lt. George Stinton of the Royal Marines at the fusion station that’s a new feature of The Basic School’s chow hall that opened July 15, 2013, in Lopez Hall, replacing the old chow hall in O’Bannon Hall.
A line of Marines build as they wait for chow at the Combat Logistics Regiment 27 field mess, Camp Yellow Jacket, during their inspections for the Best Marine Corps Mess Hall competition. Every Marine Corps garrison and field mess hall is eligible to enter the competition and possibly win the Maj. Gen. William Pendleton Thompson Hill Award. The competitors must fit within three categories: best military or contractor operated, best all contractor operated and best active field mess. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Damany S. Coleman) - A line of Marines build as they wait for chow at the Combat Logistics Regiment 27 field mess, Camp Yellow Jacket, during their inspections for the Best Marine Corps Mess Hall competition. Every Marine Corps garrison and field mess hall is eligible to enter the competition and possibly win the Maj. Gen. William Pendleton Thompson Hill Award. The competitors must fit within three categories: best military or contractor operated, best all contractor operated and best active field mess. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Damany S. Coleman)
The dining hall that has served Weapons Training Battalion for more than half a century will be replaced by a facility with nearly four times the capacity, making way for a growing Embassy Security Group. - The dining hall that has served Weapons Training Battalion for more than half a century will be replaced by a facility with nearly four times the capacity, making way for a growing Embassy Security Group.
Sgt. Sergio Montes picks up food from the Bruce Hall “market” line during lunch on Oct. 3. The market theme is part of the menu overhaul that has brought more diners into Bruce Hall in recent months. - Sgt. Sergio Montes picks up food from the Bruce Hall “market” line during lunch on Oct. 3. The market theme is part of the menu overhaul that has brought more diners into Bruce Hall in recent months.
Sodexo worker Takeshia Juggins hands a meal to Sgt. Maj. Therester Cox of Marine Combat Training Battalion School of Infantry East, Camp Geiger, N.C., at the Charlston Market-themed food station that is new to The Basic School’s new chow hall now that it’s opened in the brand-new Lopez Hall. The new chow hall went into operation July 15, 2013. - Sodexo worker Takeshia Juggins hands a meal to Sgt. Maj. Therester Cox of Marine Combat Training Battalion School of Infantry East, Camp Geiger, N.C., at the Charlston Market-themed food station that is new to The Basic School’s new chow hall now that it’s opened in the brand-new Lopez Hall. The new chow hall went into operation July 15, 2013.
Hawkins Avenue is scheduled to be closed from June 10 to June 21 while the sidewalk in front of Bruce Hall is doubled in width, a move that is intended to make the street crossing there safer by allowing more room to walk while slowing traffic. - Hawkins Avenue is scheduled to be closed from June 10 to June 21 while the sidewalk in front of Bruce Hall is doubled in width, a move that is intended to make the street crossing there safer by allowing more room to walk while slowing traffic.