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Cpl. Vernon Saunders, Marine Corps Air Facility Quantico, stands between Col. Joseph Murray, MCBQ Commander, and Sgt. Maj. Gerald Saunders, with a Hero Award he received for service to the 2015 Combined Federal Campaign.

Photo by Adele Uphaus-Conner

2015 CFC officially ends with awards ceremony

18 Feb 2016 | Adele Uphaus-Conner Marine Corps Base Quantico

The 2015 Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) officially ended aboard Marine Corps Base Quantico with an awards ceremony held at The Clubs at Quantico Feb. 11.

First Lt. Talia Bastien, the CFC representative for MCBQ, said that the Base raised 80 percent of its goal of $500,000 for the campaign, which allows Marines and civilian employees to donate to charities of their choice through payroll deductions. The CFC is the only authorized solicitation of employees in the Federal workplace on behalf of charitable organizations.

MCBQ raised a total of $400,656.51 for the campaign.

At the ceremony, MCBQ commander Col. Joseph Murray thanked Bastien and Sharon Patrick, the CFC coordinator for the Potomac region, for their hard work on behalf of the campaign.

“This is a great fundraiser because it allows you to pick where your money goes,” Murray said. “We all have that specific appetite for causes we want to support.”

Murray and Patrick awarded plaques for the units that raised the most in donations, had the greatest amount of participation, and had the most improved participation from last year. An award of each type was given to a small, medium, and large unit.

The units with the most donations—in order of smallest to largest unit—were the Virginia Domestic Dependents’ Elementary and Secondary Schools (VADDESS), Manpower and Reserve Affairs Marine and Family Programs Division, and Marine Corps Systems Command (MCSC).

The greatest participation came from VADDESS, Marine Corps Air Facility Quantico (MCAF), and MCSC. The most improved units were the Reserve Support Unit, the Regional Contracting Office, Marine Corps Operational Test and Evaluation Activity, and The Basic School.

Paperweight “Hero awards,” for those whose fundraising efforts made them stand out over the course of the campaign, were given to Barbara Reid, administrative support assistant for the MCBQ Comptroller Division; Kenny Wright, MCBQ building manager and safety representative; Arlene Wilkinson, a kindergarten aide at Crossroads Elementary School; and Cpl. Vernon Saunders, MCAF.

Col. Murray announced that the winners of a 72-hour meritorious liberty period, awarded to a unit for outstanding support of the CFC, were the Marines, sailors and civilians of MCAF.

— Writer:

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Marine Corps Base Quantico