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Serving others: Love in action

30 Jul 2015 | Cmdr. Jeff Etheridge, CHC, USN, Command Chaplain MCBQ Marine Corps Base Quantico

As we head into the home stretch of the summer season, I wanted to take this opportunity to review where we have been and what we have accomplished as the Command Religious Ministry Team aboard Quantico and also take a look at what is ahead for the rest of the summer and early fall.

Some people may wonder, “What is the Command Religious Program all about anyway, other than holding worship services?” It is a good question and I am happy to share some of the summer programs and activities we have been involved in.

We kicked off the season in May, with our Fatherhood Symposium survival skills weekend. Then, the Knights of Columbus sponsored and staffed a BBQ to celebrate the conclusion of the religious education school year. In June, as a service to the community, the Command Religious Program partnered with a local church that constructed and donated welcome-aboard baskets to the families moving into Lincoln Housing on base.

During the 2015 Department of Defense Warrior Games the chapel communities and para-chapel organizations, including Tun Tavern Fellowship, CRU Military and the Navigators, sponsored a hospitality center located in the Chapel Annex, giving away more than two dozen hand-made quilts to the warriors participating in the games. We also sponsored an Unlimited Partnership Marriage Seminar, led by Phil Downer and facilitated by Michael and Velma Jacobs of the Navigators.

Chaplain Crone took the lead in organizing Movies in the Park, partnering with the chapel communities and Pillar Church of Stafford to present family-friendly movies in the housing areas. The Command Religious Program also sponsored a sports camp with a local church along with volunteer support from Marysville, Tenn.

Coming up August 3-7, is our vacation bible school for children from pre-kindergarten through 6th grade located at Marine Memorial Chapel. As we head into late summer and early fall, our Women of the Chapel and the Catholic Women of the Chapel programs will get started along with our AWANA’s children’s ministry and the continuation of our Protestant and Catholic youth groups. We also plan to start a mothers of pre-schoolers group in order to minister to the unique needs of this group. Our intention is to have the meetings on Tuesday evenings twice per month, so that active-duty, Marine mothers can participate in this great program.

As you can see it has been a busy time aboard Quantico for the Command Religious Program. So what is the take away from all of this? I think the real take away is the truth that it really is more blessed to give than to receive. If you want to have real joy in life, I challenge you to discover the secret of serving others. There are many opportunities to serve through the Command Religious Program here on Quantico. There are also many opportunities to serve outside the Command Religious Program. So look for opportunities to serve, choose to get involved and I know you will be blessed.
Marine Corps Base Quantico