Routine water quality monitoring aboard base ensures safe drinking water 7 May 2015 | Sentry Staff Marine Corps Base Quantico PRINT SHARE MARINE CORPS BASE QUANTICO -- Drinking water aboard Marine Corps Base Quantico is routinely tested many times in different locations each month. During March, a water sample initially tested positive for total coliform bacteria. This triggered an automatic re-testing that came back negative for coliform bacteria. Two additional tests that month also initially tested positive for coliform bacteria. As a matter of course, subsequent re-tests returned negative results for the presence of coliform bacteria. According to EPA and Virginia waterworks regulations, if more than one positive test in a month occurs, it is required that water customers be notified. The results of the resampling revealed that the base’s mainside water quality did not contain coliform bacteria and that the water is safe to drink. Coliforms are bacteria that are naturally present in the environment. They are primarily used as an indicator that other potentially harmful bacteria may be present, or, as a warning of a potential problem in the treatment process or distribution system, that needs to be evaluated. Total coliform bacteria generally are not harmful themselves. In this case, the source of the coliforms from the March sampling is unknown. Other treatment results during that time were well within the required ranges, and repeat samples for each of the three sample locations all came back negative with no further evidence of coliform bacteria. Additionally, MCBQ’s recent historical water test results have not demonstrated a problem with total coliform bacteria (e.g., no total coliform positives in the 2012-2014 timeframe). MCBQ Public Works Branch has accelerated the detailed and thorough Spring Water System Flushing and inspection of the mainside water system. MCBQ will continue to carefully review water system and treatment data for additional signs of potential treatment or distribution problems and react appropriately. If you have any questions/concerns regarding this notice, contact Tom Sperlazza at 703-432-0698.