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Tyler, 9, displays the trout he caught at Secon Pool on Saturday during Virginia’s Heritage Fishing Day.

Photo by Photo by Andy Tirch

Heritage Day visitors caught trout in freshly stocked ponds

20 Apr 2015 | Eve A. Baker Marine Corps Base Quantico

Catchable-sized trout were stocked in two locations along Chopawamsic Creek aboard Marine Corps Base Quantico on Friday, in time for Virginia’s annual Trout Heritage Day on Saturday. Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs volunteer Andy Tirch reported that local anglers were out in force at the start of the event.

Trout fishing has been authorized year-round in the state for a number of years, said Tim Stamps, MCBQ’s natural resources manager, but previously the opening day for trout season was a widely anticipated event. Heritage Day was established for those businesses and individuals who planned events around and missed the old opening day, and it is preceded by an announced trout stocking event that provides an ample supply of trout large enough to legally catch.

The trout stocked aboard the base come from the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries fish rearing facility at Montebello, Virginia, and are transported to Quantico by the NREA personnel, Stamps said. The state provides the fish free of charge to supplement waters where natural trout reproduction is inadequate. Two more stockings are expected in April and early May.

State and base fishing licenses are required for everyone between the ages of 16 and 65 to fish aboard the base. These can be purchased at the Game Checking station, building 5-9, and the sporting goods counter at the Main Exchange. There is a designated fishing area for youths 12 years and under known as Secon Pool, and while parents must accompany their children, only the children are allowed to fish there. Directions to Secon Pool can be obtained at the Log Cabin, building 27007, or the Game Checking station. All other fishing locations are open to all ages.

More information about the base fishing regulations can be found in Marine Corps Base Order 11015.2B, available at and where fishing licenses can be purchased.

— Writer:

Marine Corps Base Quantico