Marine Corps Base Quantico, Va. -- Marines and Department of Defense civilians can stay safe this summer by keeping hydrated while aboard Marine Corps Base Quantico with the H20 on the go program.
There are 15 water stations placed all around the base. Lester F. Hough is one of the many team members of Baber Physical Activity Center responsible for keeping these H20 boxes full.
“The H20 program has been around for more than 14 years,” said Hough, a recreation specialist and facility technician.
For more than 14 years, Hough has worked for the center as one of the team members responsible for checking and filling the water stations.
Some boxes are checked more frequently due to a high use, said the retired gunnery sergeant.
“The routes that we take depend on the time of day and traffic, he said. Each member has his own route.
“On a normal day it takes me about two hours and 30 minutes to finish a route, Hough said. We try to make sure the water is cold, but sometimes cold water is not what your body needs, depending on your age, and condition,” But asks so much more in the long run.
The water stations provide Marines and civilians a good source of hydration while conducting physical training.
“There are many importance functions of water such as regulating body temperature, carrying nutrients through the body, improving digestion and eliminating waste and toxins from the body,” said Lauren King, Quantico’s Semper Fit dietician.
The stations are an oasis for runners, walkers, bicyclers and anyone else in need of water after a workout, he said.
The team members who implemented the H20 initiative have long since left Quantico, but the water stations they left behind are still here helping Marines and civilians, Hough said.